Give a Creative Touch to Your Website

Your website is the face of your business and the clients will try to gauge you through it. ‘Who are you’, ‘what you do’ and ‘how you do’-all these questions are answered by your website and clients gather an impression about you through it. Nowadays, everyone in the market prefers to run their own website and majority of those websites’ …

Handy tips on selecting a professional web developer

Creating a brilliant website or friendly web applications requires an utmost amount of experience. Only an experienced web developer would be competent in creating a brilliant website/web application. Internet is loaded with a large number of firms which offer cutting-edge web development services at extremely reasonable prices. A skilled web developer would help you with the technical and creative aspects …

Web Metrics

Web metrics can be applied to measuring, assessing and planning web promotion. Implementation of metrics involves adding codes, embed Javascript based tag, quality assurance testing. Business-focused metrics aids in assessing revenue, cost savings, efficiencies, call avoidance, subscriptions and sales leads. Customer focused metrics pertain to customer time savings, ease of use, ability to do task, enjoyment, satisfaction. Search engine optimization …

Website presenting is more important than building it

Gone are the days which are difficult to build a website. Now-a-days, with latest technology and resources one can build a website in minutes. But this is not all about building but how you are presenting it. To have better impression the website must be well designed with proper colors and unique design. Make sure that the navigation inside is …

The Importance of building an interactive website

One of the main features that separate the good websites from the bad ones is that the good ones are very interactive. When a customer browses through these websites he realises that they are easy to navigate, the information is easy to understand and most importantly there is always a call to action on these websites. It is noticed that …